In August 2004, Ashaki Antoine started her distinguished career with the New York City Department of Correction (DOC), assigned to the Anna M Kross Center (AMKC). In October 2008, Ashaki became an essential asset in the reopening of the Brooklyn Detention Complex (BKDC). In May 2010, she was reassigned to the Equal Employment Opportunity Office (EEOC). In the later part of 2010, Ashaki returned to the Brooklyn Detention Complex (BKDC)-Courts Division. As the Brooklyn Criminal Court Liaison, she was afforded the opportunity to effectively communicate, problem solve, create and build relationships with outside agencies. These agencies included: The Office of Court Administration; The New York City Police Department; and New York State Parole. The nature and quality of her work allowed her to leave a lasting impression.
In March 2017, Ashaki was appointed to the position of Delegate, and In October 2018 a special election was held in BKDC for a vacant position as a delegate. As a result, she secured her position with an overwhelming victory, thereby becoming a union official for the New York City Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association (COBA). During this time, she became well known by aggressively voicing her dismay regarding the unethical, belittling scare tactics used by the administration against the officers. Ashaki’s aggressive approach led to decreased command discipline penalties, enhanced use of progressive discipline, more operable security equipment, and enhanced searches throughout the facility. She was also instrumental in the introduction of a mentoring program for newly assigned officers who needed additional assistance adjusting to a jail setting. The mentoring program was successful in building the confidence of officers.
July 1, 2020, Ashaki assumed her elected position on the COBA Executive Board as First City-Wide Trustee. Ashaki is also an impactful speaker at the monthly New York City Board of Correction Meetings. At the monthly meetings, she advocates for correction officers’ rights and demands the oversight committee ensure the rights of correction officers are not violated. She also advocates for the importance of holding inmates accountable for the crimes committed while detained. In the November 2021 Board of Correction monthly meeting, Ashaki was able to ensure sexual assaults and sexual harassment of female corrections was addressed as an BOC agenda concern. As a result of this action, the Department of Correction was forced to implement a plan to address this ongoing concern.
As COBA’s First City-Wide Trustee, Ashaki co-led a campaign to change the criminal code in the State of New York making the forcible touching of a New York City Correction Officer a Felony and making the sexual harassment of a Correction Officer a Misdemeanor. This critical initiative led to a resolution that was recently introduced in the New York City Council calling on Albany lawmakers to pass legislation that would hold sexual predators in New York City's jails accountable for their sexual crimes committed against Correction Officers.
In December 2022, Ashaki was appointed to her newest position, COBA’S Third Vice President. In Ashaki's 18 years of service as a Correction Officer, she has earned great respect from her peers. They have entrusted her with their issues, problems, and concerns, and rely upon her advice and wisdom in making decisions. She leaves no stone unturned in resolving issues for the officers she represents. Her commitment, undeniable dedication, and tireless work ethic are recognized by all.
Ashaki represents the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. As a member, she actively supports and passionately advocates for the American Cancer Society and all fraternal organizations.
Contact info
- Keith Frazier
- Octavio Perez
- Yesenia Santiago
- Kenneth Harrison
- Aisha Batts
- Andre Watson
- Ian Feinstein
- Reginald Fisher
- Mishame Hines
- Kevin Ohlenschlager